Thursday, 24 March 2011

Another beautiful day saw many more migrants passing through, with some species reaching their highest numbers yet this year. The Hawfinch was seen briefly at Cristin early in the morning, and was re-located in Ty Capael garden at midday; it remained here for the remainder of the day. A Red throated Diver and two Gannets flew by the south tip in the morning, whilst two Ringed Plovers and a Whimbrel were around the narrows. A scattering of Chiffchaffs were all over the island, with fifty two counted during the day; the first Willow Warbler of the year was discovered singing amongst twenty six Chiffchaffs at nant. Twenty one Wheatears were scattered around the coast, with six on Solfach, six on Pencristin and six at the north end making up the bulk of these. Fifty eight Sand Martins moved through during the day, although nothing of any note was discovered amongst them. Finches were, although in lesser numbers, again present: a Brambling, nineteen Chaffinches, twelve Linnets, four Goldfinches, four Greenfinches, four Siskins and the first Lesser Redpoll of the year were seen passing overhead throughout the morning. Thrushes present during the day amounted to: six Blackbirds, eight Fieldfares, two Song Thrushes, three Redwings and a Mistle Thrush. A Lapland Bunting was also seen.

 Hawfinch (top two (c) Steve Stansfield; bottom two (c) Ben Porter)
Chiffchaffs (upper two) and Wheatears (lower two) arrived in good numbers today. (c) Ben Porter
 Wheatear in flight (c) Steve Stansfield

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