Friday, 25 March 2011

Another fine day saw good totals of common migrants scattered around. The Hawfinch remained in Ty Capael garden, although still very skulky, the bird did allow some decent views as it cracked open damson stones with its strong bill. A couple Lapland Buntings dropped into the hay fields in the morning, whilst three Skylarks were also nearby. Four Greylag Geese flew over the narrows and north up the west coast mid-morning whilst morning finch movement included: sixteen Chaffinches, three Greenfinches, eight Goldfinches, two Siskins and five Lesser Redpolls. Hirundines moved through throughout the day, with three House Martins, two Swallows and forty two Sand Martins being the totals. Thirty four Wheatears were seen around the coast during the day, whilst the first Black Redstart of the year was seen at Ty Bach and two Stone Chats were by Ty Pellaf. A Willow Warbler was heard first thing at Cristin, with fifty four Chiffchaffs and five Goldcrests also seen. Other birds seen today included: a Common Scoter, a Fieldfare, a Redwing and a Song Thrush.

 Greylag Geese- the first record of this species this year.
 Sand Martins (top) and Wheatears (middle) were present in good numbers. A single Fieldfare (bottom) was also seen.
Another successful moth-trapping session took place in the night by Nant Withy; a total of ninety seven moths were caught. Most notably a Small Quaker (second for the island) and the first Satellite moth for the island. Pictures (c) Ben Porter

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