Saturday, 26 March 2011

The sky was yet again clear, and the wind persisted from the north. The male Hawfinch was again seen in Cristin garden, before making an appearance in Ty Pellaf garden in the afternoon. A Black Redstart was trapped and ringed at Cristin in the morning, with another unringed bird seen later on near the boathouse. Common migrants moved through throughout the day, with totals coming to: forty six Sand Martins, twenty eight Wheatears, thirty two Chiffchaffs and two Willow Warblers. Finches moved through during the day too:  a Brambling, seven Greenfinches, eight Goldfinches, thirty two Linnets, five Siskins and twelve Lesser Redpolls were seen.

 Flocks of Meadow Pipits again occupied the island's fields, with a total of 430 seen today.
A Brindled Pug (sixth for the island) was the most notable species trapped at Nant Withy during the night. Pictures (c) Ben Porter

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