Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Migrants were again present all over the island in numbers, with another small attraction taking place during the drizzly conditions in the night. During this attraction, the first two Bar-tailed Godwits of the year were seen, with a Dunlin also present. Warblers seen during the day included: twenty three Blackcaps, sixty three Chiffchaffs, eighty Willow Warblers and four Goldcrests. Eleven Swallows outnumbered Sand Martins today, with only three of the latter seen. Four Black Redstarts were scattered around, including two very smart males; sixty one Wheatears were around the coast. Ten Blackbirds, two Song Thrushes, sixteen Redwings and two Mistle Thrushes were scattered around whilst a Reed Bunting was around the nant area, and the Hawfinch was again at Ty Pellaf.

Wheatear, Chiffchaff, Reed Bunting, Swallow, Blackcap and Redwing. 
Pictures (c) Ben Porter

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