Thursday, 31 March 2011

Hardly anything of note had materialised in the strong southerly wind; however, a small attraction did take place in the drizzly conditions in the night once again, with a Woodcock and a Manx Shearwater trapped and ringed. Three Redwings (two of which were fatally attracted) and a Water Rail (fatally attracted) were found in the morning. The first Jack Snipe of the spring was found in the wetlands, and was seen a few times during the day. Little else of interest was around during the day: another Manx Shearwater was seen at sea; a Grey Heron was around the narrows; twenty each of Chiffchaffs and Willow Warblers were scattered around; nine Blackcaps were in the vegetated areas and another Woodcock was flushed in the plantation. A Fieldfare, three more Redwings and the male Hawfinch were also present.

A Jack Snipe (top) and two Common Snipe (bottom) were seen today.
Pictures (c) Ben Porter

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