Friday, 1 April 2011

Another miserable windy day saw even fewer birds about than yesterday. A Woodcock was seen on the south end, with another single in the withies. A Jack Snipe was again in the wetlands, with two Ring Plovers and a Grey Heron around the narrows. Very few warblers were left after previous movements, with the day’s totals coming to: nine Blackcaps (one of which was fatally attracted), eight Willow Warblers and thirteen Chiffchaffs. Ten Wheatears were around the coast, whilst a pair of Stonechats were again by Ty Pellaf. The male Hawfinch was again feeding with the Chaffinches in Ty Pellaf garden; a couple Collard Doves were also there.

 A pair of Collard Doves were again in Ty Pellaf garden.
 The male Hawfinch has been favouring the peanut feeder in Ty Pellaf garden recently.
A few small flocks of Starlings have been present over the last few days.
Pictures (c) Ben Porter

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