Saturday, 19 March 2011

The winds were again low and a few sparse clouds in the morning soon gave way to lovely sunshine. Despite the southerly wind, little in the way of migrants was present; two Chiffchaffs at Nant and a Sand Martin over the north end were the only exceptions. The highlight of the day and first for the year was a Yellowhammer that flew up Nant Valley and over the plantation; it was not seen again during the day. Three Lapland Buntings were still in the hay fields, and another individual flew around in the Meadow Pipit flock by Ty Pellaf.  A couple Stock Doves were amongst seven Woodpigeons around the nant area. A Red throated Diver fed with the Shags off the West Side whilst two Ring Plovers and four Dunlins were the only noteworthy waders about. Other birds seen included: three Skylarks, a Song Thrush, two Greenfinches, a Goldfinch, twenty one Linnets and a couple Siskins.

 A record shot of the Yellowhammer.
 Two Stock Doves were with the Woodpigeons during the day.
 Two of the Lapland Buntings seen today were the same individuals as were trapped four days ago.
 Calm conditions during the night enabled the Moth trap to be set out in Cristin withy. Despite no Macro moths being attracted during the night, this Emmelina monodactyla was trapped. This is only the fifth record for the island since the first was positively identified in 2008; there were several sightings of 'Brown Plume' moths prior to this that were most likely to have been this species. Pictures (c) Ben Porter 

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