Friday, 18 March 2011

Another lovely calm and sunny day again saw a good mixture of birds scattered around the island. The morning rounds of the south end produced: two Red throated Divers, a Ring Plover, three Dunlins, three Wheatears and a White Wagtail amongst ten Pied Wagtails on Solfach. Some finch movement also took place in the morning: a Brambling, three Greenfinches, eight Siskins and a Goldfinch were seen overhead and in the island's gardens later on. A couple Jackdaws over Pencristin were the first to be seen this year. Four Lapland Buntings were again in the hay fields, with another individual on the mountainside above Ty Pellaf. 220 Meadow Pipits were scattered around; six Skylarks were also amongst them. A good total of twelve Sand Martins fed around the narrows during the afternoon whilst nine Chiffchaffs were the only warblers about.

Lapland Bunting (top seven (c) Steve Stansfield Bottom one Ben Porter), Sand Martins (middle two) and Dunlin (bottom) (c) Ben Porter

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