Sunday, 3 April 2011

Another productive day’s birding saw a scattering of birds around, with good numbers of warblers again around the vegetated areas. The female Hoopoe was again by Carreg Bach in the morning, before it moved to Cristin in the afternoon; it was then caught and ringed here. A few oddities were around in the morning, most notable of which were: a Common Gull, a Stock Dove, Golden Plover, Hooded Crow, three Black Redstarts, a Jack Snipe and a Lapland Bunting. Apart from the Golden Plover, the only other waders of interest around were three Ring Plovers, two Whimbrels and an arrival of sixteen Curlews. Warblers were again present in numbers, however many of the birds from yesterday had moved on: thirty two Blackcaps, twenty five Chiffchaffs and 146 Willow Warblers were the totals. Forty two Wheatears fed around the coast, whilst a pair of Stonechats were inland. Four Swallows were the only hirundine seen during the day whilst finch totals came to: ten Chaffinches, three Greenfinches, two Siskins, nine Goldfinches, sixteen Linnets and, of course, the male Hawfinch. An 'eared owl', most likely to be Short eared, was seen by the lighthouse during an attraction in the night.

 Blackcaps skulked in the bushes....
 .......whilst Willow Warblers and Chiffchaffs fly-catched and fed on the ground.
 Merlin (upper) and Hooded Crow.(lower). Pictures (c) Ben Porter and Steve Stansfield

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