Despite the wind remaining in the north throughout the day, migrant numbers remained steady, with a good passage of hirundines heading north throughout the day. Highlights included: a dark bellied Brent Goose that flew north past Solfach in the morning, and a couple Lapland Buntings that were again feeding in the north-west fields. The totals of common migrants came to: fifteen Sand Martins, 140 Swallows, twelve House Martins, a Yellow Wagtail, a Tree Pipit, a Whinchat, 127 Wheatears, a Common Redstart, ten Grasshopper Warblers, fifteen Sedge Warblers, four Whitethroats, six Blackcaps, six Chiffchaffs and thirty four Willow Warblers.
Brent Goose
The common Buzzard is still arround
As are the two lapland Buntings
Most, if not all the Wheatears, are big Greenland birds
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