Saturday, 23 April 2011

A Knot was caught and ringed during the night, and some 100 Manx Shearwaters and a handful of migrants were also attracted to the lighthouse in the drizzly conditions. Despite the absence of anything scarce on the island, migrant numbers were again high: 120 Swallows, twenty five Sand Martins and fourteen House Martins moved north overhead, whilst sixty Wheatears were around the coast and two Redstarts were at either end of the island. The first Spotted Flycatcher of the year was found by the plantation, and by the end of the day a further six had been seen. Warbler totals amounted to: thirteen Grasshopper Warblers, thirty two Sedge Warblers, twenty Whitethroats, fifteen Blackcaps, a Reed Warbler, five Chiffchaffs and 123 Willow Warblers as birds appeared to be arriving on the island during the day. Two Lapland Buntings were seen in the north in the morning.

Common Buzzards have been present most days
 Willow Warblers continue to arrive
And following their long journey take advantage of the few puddles left by last night's rain
 Spotted Flycatchers arrived on the island today. (c) Ben Porter
Common Redstart (c) Ben Porter

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