Hardly anything new had arrived in the brisk westerlies, and so it remained quite quiet on the bird front. A Common Gull flew over the narrows in the morning, and waders also around here amounted to: three Ring Plovers, two Dunlins, twenty six Whimbrels and two Curlews. Much was the same inland too, with migrants largely being the same birds that have been here for a couple of weeks: eighty one Swallows, two House Martins, twelve Wheatears, eleven Sedge Warblers, six Whitethroats, three Chiffchaffs, three Willow Warblers and eight Spotted Flycatchers were scattered around, whilst a bit of finch movement taking place in the morning involved: seven Siskins, thirteen Goldfinches and five Lesser Redpolls.
At the moment, two Stonechat families, both with five fledglings each, have emerged from near the Schoolhouse and at the top of the mountain. (c) Ben Porter
Meadow Pipits are also feeding young. (c) Ben Porter
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