Thursday, 12 May 2011

The wind was again fixed in the west, and a few showers blew through during the day. A Black throated Diver seen off the north end in the morning was by far the best bird of the day. As well as this island scarcity, many more seabirds also passed by: eighteen Fulmars, 895 Manx Shearwaters, forty nine Gannets, sixty five Kittiwakes, ninety three Guillemots, 278 Razorbills and two Puffins were the totals. Inland, a Collard Dove was seen in the plantation, sixteen Wheatears were dotted around the mountain and ten Sedge Warblers, seven Whitethroats, three Chiffchaffs, four Willow Warblers and eight Spotted Flycatchers fed in the withies and island’s gardens. Two singing Skylarks were scattered around the coast, and 355 Swallows and nine House Martins moved through during the day.

House Martin. (c) Ben Porter

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