Sunday 25 March 2012

It was another day of clear skies, sweltering temperatures and light winds-lovely for being outside but still not producing a substantial arrival or passage of migrants. A smattering of warblers inland and around the coast saw four Blackcaps, 23 Chiffchaffs, four Willow Warblers and 16 Goldcrests recorded, whilst 302 Meadow Pipits, six Wheatears and two White Wagtails was a slightly higher count than of late. Three Sparrowhawks hunted all over the island during the day, and singles of Kestrel, Buzzard and Merlin were also noted. A couple of Dunlins and Whimbrels were seen in Solfach, and a Lapwing flew over the West Side.

 White Wagtails continue to feed in Solfach with the Pied Wagtails
 Meadow Pipits
 After a few minutes of hot pursuit by this Merlin, a Chaffinch plunged into the safety of Cristin Withy, leaving the Merlin to go and find another bird for its breakfast
Peacocks made an appearance today, with two sighted around Cristin

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