Tuesday, 1 May 2012

It was one of the best days of the year both in terms of the variety of species and number of birds today. Three probable Common Redpolls were found amongst some Lesser Redpolls and Goldfinches at Ty Nesaf in the morning, the first Lesser Whitethroat and Yellow Wagtail of the year were seen on the South end and Carreg Wetlands respectively and two Short-eared Owls remained in the lowlands. Totals of passerine-migrants amounted to three Cuckoos, four Swifts, two Sand Martins, 25 Swallows, nine House Martins, six Tree Pipits, a Robin, seven Redstarts, three Whinchats, 279 Wheatears, seven Grasshopper Warblers, 15 Sedge Warblers, 12 Whitethroats, 57 Blackcaps, 14 Chiffchaffs, 322 Willow Warblers, three Goldcrests and two Reed Buntings. 56 Whimbrels, a Common Sandpiper and four Dunlins were seen on the wader front, whilst the Brent Goose remained on Pwll Cain and two Sandwich Terns were seen off the Narrows.

 The first Yellow Wagtail of the year was a rather smart male
 Several Redpolls were recorded; what they are and where they come from is anyone's guess! This bird is certainly not a little brown thing that inhabits Welsh conifer plantations.
The day was mostly wet and miserable, but the hundreds of Willow Warblers that were grounded were probably a result of the poor conditions. Fields, brambles, gardens and even the main puddle filled track were alive with phylloscs.
 Four Swifts roosted at Cristin overnight
 Sandwich Tern
A Shag tackling a rather large fish!

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