It seemed as if a small arrival of warblers had taken place overnight, with 16 Chiffchaffs and 20 Goldcrests feeding in the veritable shelter of the Plantation. A single Wheatear was seen on the west side, a Black Redstart was seen on the South End in the afternoon, and a Fieldfare flew over the Withies.
A large majority of the Chiffchaffs in the Plantation were singing, along with the tinkling songs of the Goldcrests
It is not often you see a Jack Snipe on the ground on the island, although this bird was spotted a few metres away from an observer in the wetlands this morning. After re-locating to the western edge of the wetlands, the bird was found later on in the day, and trapped by drag-netting...
...the second Jack Snipe to be ringed this year. In contrast to the last bird to be ringed a couple of weeks ago, this individual was a juvenile, showing very little streaking on the undertail coverts and very pointy tail feathers (compared to rounded tail feathers in adults)
It is easy to see why Jack Snipe are so hard to see on the ground- their intricate pattern of mantle feathers perfectly camouflages them against reeds and grass
A handful of Turnstones sheltered on the rocks at high tide, along with four Purple Sandpipers
A large swell rolled in from the west throughout the day; a Fulmar pictured here to give the waves some scale
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