Thursday, 21 March 2013

With a strong wind now set firmly in the South east, where it is forecast to remain for at least a week, very few passerines were seen on the island. A Lapwing was seen in Henllwyn in the early morning, and seven Common Scoters flew past at sea along with a couple of Gannets. Two Song Thrushes and a Redwing were seen in the wetlands, whilst 12 Goldcrests, the Firecrest and four Chiffchaffs sheltered in the Plantation.

 The Firecrest (which first arrived in early December) continues to sing from the depths of the Plantation
 A few migrant Goldcrests were present in the gorse on Pencristin
 Wheatear numbers remain very low- the highest count to far this year was of 10 birds on the 19th
 This lovely Lapwing showed off its iridescence in Henllwyn 
 Spot the Ringed Plover!!
A single pair of Ringed Plovers remain around the Narrows, although no breeding behaviour has yet been observed

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