Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Most of the day was spent counting seabirds on the Gwylanod Islands, off Aberdaron. Good numbers of Cormorants, Great Black-backed Gulls, Puffins and Shags were recorded here.

Back on the island, a Greater Spotted Woodpecker put in a brief appearance in the afternoon, flying over the Abbey towards Nant. This is the first record of the year.
Seven Chiffchaffs scattered around the island was an increase on recent days, and a few Swifts passed over.

 Puffins! A total of 770 active burrows were counted on the larger Gwylanod island, an increase of over 100 since 2011
 Manx Shearwaters in the Sound
Oystercatchers and a Herring Gull chick doing its best to stay hidden

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