Thursday, 11 July 2013

Yet another glorious day saw a continued movement of waders through the island, although not much else. A flock of four Common Sandpipers were seen on the South End in the early hours, whilst singles of Sanderling, Dunlin and Redshank were present in Solfach.
A pale Hooded Crow, first seen last night, was still present on the top of the mountain, the pale parts being a great deal paler than the average birds which pass over the island in the spring.

The pale Hooded Crow
Compare to a darker bird in May (c) Steve Stansfield
 The Shelduck chicks in solfach, once 11 strong, are now down to six. Considering they are already over a week old, this number is quite promising, and hopefully they will survive to fledge

The numbers of moths in the four traps being run at the moment has greatly increased. Over 500 moths were trapped on the mountain top, whilst counts in the lowland traps are averaging at about 100. Amongst the catches recently has been the first Shoulder-striped Wainscot of the year (below), three Small Elephant Hawkmoths, and a new micro moth for Bardsey: Catoptria falsella

 This Eana penziana is the third individual to be trapped this year. This species is a National Scarce B, with the coastal subspecies colquhounana occurring fairly commonly around the coast, but the inland subspecies f. bellana is thought to be extinct
 This rather pretty Acleris bergmanniana was trapped at Cristin, and is surprisingly only the second Bardsey record
Eucosma campoliliana

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