Sunday, 25 August 2013

A lovely sunny day, with a fresh North-easterly saw a scattering of migrants all over the island, albeit in slightly lesser numbers than yesterday. A total of two Pied Flycatchers and five Spotted Flycatchers were seen in Cristin garden and at Nant, a Tree Pipit flew overhead along with 16 Sand Martins, 397 Swallows and 85 House Martins and four White Wagtails were present around the Narrows.
An interesting arrival of Sparrowhawks involved at least six birds, although owing to their secretive nature it was difficult to estimate a true figure. This is the highest number of Sparrowhawks on the island on one day for many years. Two each of Buzzard and Kestrel were also seen.
Two Arctic Skuas and eight Teals flew past at sea.

 One of at least five Sparrowhawks present on the island today. Three alone were seen in the same place at the North End, whilst other individuals seemed to be arriving from the coast
 A rather scruffy Goldfinch
 Ringed Plover, on the unusual location of a bank

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