Thursday, 1 August 2013

The most noteworthy birds around the island today were centred in Solfach, where an excellent count of waders was amassed at high tide: 20 Ringed Plovers, six Sanderlings, nine Dunlins, a Common Sandpiper, 22 Turnstones, a Whimbrel and three Redshanks were recorded.

Six Willow Warblers in the Plantation was an increase, and a single Swift glided over the Donogoch Fields.

 Juvenile Ringed Plover eyeing a juvenile Peregrine above
 Juvenile Ringed Plover
 Purple Sandpiper
 some very smart breeding-plumaged Turnstones were amongst the waders in Solfach
 This rather smart Peppered Moth of the typical form was trapped in Nant Withy overnight. Interestingly enough, the only previous record on Bardsey was in 1954, when three were trapped at the lighthouse. All three of these moths were of the darker form, carbonaria, which are usually associated with areas of high atmospheric pollution.
 wing detail of Peppered Moth
 Silver Y
 Interesting variant of Lesser Yellow Underwing: ssp. sagittifer
Rosy Rustic


  1. Stunning image Ben, I have a massive soft spot for Sanderlings and really like the summer/breeding plumage on them, the Purple Sandpiper is brilliant too.
