A good passage of Sand Martins was noted in the early hours, with a total of 28 birds recorded. Visible migration around the rest of the coast comprised 241 Meadow Pipits, seven Skylarks and a White Wagtail. Warblers were still very much on the move, with birds streaming through, stopping off for frantic feeding on insects and nectar. In total, 55 Chiffchaffs and 23 Willow Warblers were noted during the day, with lesser numbers of Goldcrests and Blackcaps comprising 17 of the former and six of the latter. Four Lesser Redpolls, a Reed Bunting and four Siskins and were also seen during the day.

This is just the second Lapland Bunting of the year, since the bird in early February. Similarly, there was just one spring record last year, with very few in the autumn too. (c) Steve Stansfield
There have been some interesting Chiffchaffs around in the last few weeks, showing grey washes to the nape and ear covert region. However, none have looked quite like this bird today. This very pale bird with striking green fringing to the primaries and secondaries , looked a good candidate for a Siberian Chiffchaff. The call was not heard
White Wagtails are on the move

Chiffchaffs were moving through the island very quickly today, with birds feeding anywhere from the rocks in Henllwyn, the grass lawns in the gardens and on the Damson blossom in Cristin garden. Top 2 images (c) Ben Porter, bottom image (c) Steve Stansfield
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