In the early hours, a movement of 262 Swallows, 36 Sand Martins, four House Martins and seven Swifts was noted between 0640 and 0810, with the majority of these birds flying southward out at sea, perhaps late breeding birds destined for their Irish summer grounds? A more typical northerly movement of hirundines in the afternoon meant that a total of 369 Swallows was recorded during the day- the highest figure so far this year.
In terms of the day's more sedentary migrants, a female Cuckoo trapped in the eastern Heligoland trap at the Observatory was by far the highlight of the day. A Common Redstart was seen at Nant, where a single Grasshopper Warbler reeled away, there was a brief view of what could have been Friday's Nightingale in Cristin garden, and a Reed Warbler remained in Cristin Withy.

This fantastic female Cuckoo was trapped in one of the Heligoland traps at the Observatory mid-morning. Although very rare to catch these charismatic birds these days, there have been a total of 83 birds trapped on Bardsey since 1953. The last Cuckoo trapped on the island was in July 2008
One or two Spectacles have been trapped in the moth traps recently
Foxglove Pug
Yellow Dung Fly
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