Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Although the day started off with heavy showers and drizzle, we seemed to avoid the majority of the rain storms, which could be seen passing to the south and west of the island. A brighter afternoon saw a moderate selection of migrants appearing in the vegetated areas: one Tree Pipit, one Lesser Whitethroat, nine Whitethroats, two Blackcaps, 11 Chiffchaffs, six Willow Warblers and 17 Spotted Flycatchers were recorded. A large overhead passage of House Martins throughout the day saw over 300 birds moving through, along with 139 Swallows and 10 Swifts.

 Whitethroats continue to move through in small numbers although there are at least three males signing on territory along the mountainside between Ty Pellaf and Nant. How many of these males have partnered up is unclear
The Lesser Whitethroat was another interesting bird, showing extensive white in the tail feathers 
This Collared Dove has had a very near miss with either a Sparrowhawk or a Peregrine, which has left it with half a tail and a large gash in its left hand underside 
There are some very smart Linnets around at the moment, and the first broods are just appearing now

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