May 21st- a light scattering of passerine migrants arrived overnight, including a Reed Warbler, two Lesser Whitethroats, five Whitethroats, eight Chiffchaffs , five Willow Warblers, a smart male Firecrest and 11 Spotted Flycatchers. Overhead passage of hirundines comprised 67 Swallows and nine House Martins. Two Black Guillemots were seen off the North End, whilst three Dunlins, five Whimbrels and four Turnstones were noted around the Narrows.
May 22nd- a Green Sandpiper in the Ty Pellaf Wetlands was the highlight of the day, considering that this species is only just annual on the island. A single Swift and two Lesser Redpolls were seen overhead.

There have been some dramatic skyscapes over the island over the last few days (C) Steve Stansfield
Don't worry! That is not the new LED light flashing, it is just the sun's reflection in the lighthouse's glass top. The tiny dot of light on the very top is the temporary LED light. CLICK HERE to find out more about the recent operation that has involved dismantling the old 2 tonne prism into 31 pieces, before helicoptering these over to Aberdaron
These four musketeers have been touring the island overt the last few days, although the number has now reduced to just one
Collared Doves

A single Black Guillemot has been seen very sporadically off the North End over the last month or so. Two birds were present there yesterday.
The breeding season is in full swing on the island, with some species having had a first brood, and are now preparing for second broods (Stonechat, for example). Here are some images of the recent activity:

With over 50 pairs of Oystercatchers nesting around the island, it is difficult to walk more than 20 metres before coming across one of their 'well-camouflaged' nests along the coastline. Chicks were just beginning to hatch out of the eggs in this particular nest

A Skylark nest was found amongst the Maritime Heath on the North End yesterday afternoon, and the superbly-camouflaged chicks were duly ringed, before being placed back in their grassy nest (c) Steve Stansfield

It continues to look like a good year for breeding Wheatears- here is a male in full song-flight (C) Pete Howlett

A Wheatear nest with three hungry mouths, and a juicy caterpillar
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