Saturday, 17 May 2014

Eyes were focussed sky-ward today, with clear skies accompanied by moderate south-eaterly winds: as good a conditions as one could hope for to encourage raptors to pass over the island. However, despite the reports of Red Kites, Black Kites and Honey Buzzard further south, we managed just a single Red Kite, a Kestrel and a Sparrowhawk.

Passerine migrants were a little thin on the ground: singles of Tree Pipit, Grasshopper Warbler, Garden Warbler and five Spotted Flycatchers were recorded, one Siskins and four Lesser Redpolls were recorded.

A good number of breeding Wheatears are present this spring, although no chicks have appeared thus far 
Oystercatcher nests are dotted all along the coast, which makes a peaceful walk along the rocky shore somewhat difficult!
Red Kite and Magpie. This is the second Red Kite so far this year, and is about the 23rd record for the island, illustrating that this is still quite a scarce bird on Bardsey 
Whimbrel and Cadar Idris in the background


  1. You didn't mention the northern honey buzzard at roof top height over our back garden in New Brighton today!!!!

  2. Also a northerly honey buzzard at New Brighton at roof top level over our garden around noon!
