A total of two Sand Martins, 40 Swallows and 14 House Martins were recorded during the day, although 50% of these were the island's breeding birds. A small increase in warblers did see one or two in the coastal gorse and in the lighthouse compound, with the day's totals amounting to eight Sedge Warblers, eight Whitethroats, two Blackcaps, five Chiffchaffs, one Willow Warbler, two Goldcrests and four Spotted Flycatchers.
Some images of the recent pullus-focussed ringing from the last few days...

Although there are about four pairs of Woodpigeons on the island this year, only one nest has been found so far. These two chicks were ringed today, becoming the 28th and 29th pulli of this species to be ringed on Bardsey

The rather prehistoric-looking Woodpigeon chicks. Did you know? As opposed to feeding their young insects, pigeons feed them a milk, which is produced by special cells in the crops of both males and females. This milk is very high in protein, being said to be more nutritious than both human and cow's milk

Around 10 Meadow Pipit fledglings have been seen around the island in the last week, although some pairs are still rearing their first broods still in the nest. These chicks were ringed midday

With three pairs of Goldfinches nesting on Bardsey this year, 2014 is shaping up to match the records of breeding Goldfinches set in 2012 and 2007. This year is also only the eleventh year that Goldfinches have bred on the island. This brood of five in Cristin garden were ringed yesterday
all images (C) Steve Stansfield
all images (C) Steve Stansfield
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