In other news, four Ringed Plovers, six Purple Sandpipers, 10 Dunlins, 38 Whimbrels, 51 Curlews, six Redshanks and 27 Turnstones represented the day's wader counts. Out to sea, a little over 1000 Manx Shearwaters passed by, along with nine Common Scoters, 15 Fulmars and 62 Gannets.
The Citrine Wagtail appears to be quite at home feeding on the various ponds in the Ty Pellaf wetlands. It is particularly fond of the pond opposite Ty Pellaf, where it spent most of the day feeding on aquatic invertebrates amongst the lilly pads
Meadow Pipit
This Oak Hook-tip was trapped at Nant overnight, which is the 17th new macro moth species for Bardsey this year
Epinotia nisella
Stunning photos of the Citrine. Keep up the good work