The weather on the 10th was something of an anticlimax- contrary to the expectations of gale force westerlies and the accompanied hordes of Manx, Sooty and Balearic Shearwaters, light south-easterly winds to start the day increased to just 20mph north-westerlies by mid-afternoon. Several thousand Manx Shearwaters did start moving in the late afternoon, but precious little else was amongst them- most attention during the day was turned to finding the Citrine Wagtail, and trying to introduce this week's visitors to this stunning visitor. In other news, a juvenile female Sparrowhawk was trapped in the observatory Heligoland trap mid-morning; and an agglomeration of waders around the coast included nine Ringed Plovers, eight Purple Sandpipers, two Whimbrels, 31 Curlews, seven Redshanks, a Common Sandpiper and 26 Turnstones.

This very smart female Sparrowhawk found its way into the Heligoland trap at Cristin mid-morning
Although very mobile and difficult to see on the 9th, the Citrine Wagtail settled down somewhat on the 10th, and gave some pleasing views on the ponds in the wetlands
The first two Gold Spots of the year were trapped in two different locations overnight on the 9th, adding yet another species to this year's record lepidoptera list
The first Brown-veined Wainscot of the year was also trapped, in the form of this female near Ty Pellaf Reed Bed
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