Wednesday, 12 September 2018

Yet more seawatching today, the winds continued to batter the island from the West and pushed birds close enough to shore for us to be able to log a nice selection! Today the Manx Shearwater tally stood at 256 birds a little down on the days before as were the 63 Gannets logged, however many other species saw an increase in number or remained level in comparison to yesterday’s fruitful seawatch. Four Common Scoters, five Arctic Skuas, two Great Skuas, 552 Kittiwakes, 66 Sandwich Terns and 55 Razorbills were logged.

Inland was also no disappointment, with the sun in the afternoon making for a beautiful day allowing migrants to pass through in reasonable number. On the beaches once again an assortment of waders summated to one Ringed Plover, 11 Purple Sandpipers, one Whimbrel, 41 Curlews, 30 Redshanks and 29 Turnstones. A Short-eared Owl was flushed from Pen Cristin and put on a good show for the single observer. Hirundine passage had a last hurray as 211 Swallows and 13 House Martins passed through along with 11 Grey Wagtails. On the land a high count of 105 Meadow Pipits were joined by 17 White Wagtails. Chats were another talking point of today Robins increased to 23 birds, Wheatears to 62 and the 12 Whinchats recorded was the highest day count for the island this century! A Fieldfare was an incredibly early arrival seen at Carreg Bach. Warblers today cumulated to two Grasshopper Warblers, one Whitethroat, two Blackcaps, 22 Chiffchaffs, 14 Willow Warblers and 17 Goldcrests. Also logged were five Goldfinches and 46 Linnets.

A reasonable arrival of Wheatears on the island today, with a good proportion of the Greenland race

Some 105 Meadow Pipits were recorded today.

White Wagtails, a species which migrates through Britain to as far away as Iceland or Norway.

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