Friday, 5 October 2018

Winds eventually budged today and turned to a North-easterly. This combined with occasional rain showers made it feel indisputably rare. Despite strenuous efforts the morning failed to produce much, with a Reed Warbler later on causing a stir but unfortunately failing to culminate to anything scarce. By late afternoon moods were tense, with a scarcity surely just around the corner, fortunately, contrary to the rest of the autumn a Common Rosefinch eventually revealed itself in Cristin Withy, finding its way into a net shortly thereafter.

There was a good supporting cast as well today, a Teal was in the Wetlands again, and a Merlin continued to maraud the island. The Water Rail was again in the withies and on the beaches a total of two Dunlins, 32 Curlews, five Redshanks and 26 Turnstones were seen with a Snipe the only other wader seen today. A Mediterranean Gull passed with some 239 Kittiwakes this morning as well.
The rain showers clearly forced some migrants to make landfall and an obvious increase in a fair few birds was noted. A little late Swallow passage amounted to 58 birds, 63 Meadow Pipits were logged along with four White Wagtails. In the bushes 27 Robins were the most numerous species but one Whitethroat, eight Blackcaps, 21 Chiffchaffs, 23 Goldcrests, two Firecrests, one Blue Tit and eight Great Tits were also seen. Other finches today included seven Chaffinches, two Siskins and 36 Goldfinches. Two House Sparrows were the only other bird noted today, a scarce bird for the island.

Common Rosefinch, surprising the first since 7 June 2015, a large gap for this usually annual bird on the island

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