Saturday 20 June 2020

Today provided a nice change from the recent cloudy, foggy weather, with blue skies and warm sunshine representing most of today's weather!

Sam and George got on with some project work in the morning, with Sam now nearing the end of his Manx Shearwater Census, but the breeding birds still going strong for George with second broods of Stonechats and the like becoming rather imminent!

The afternoon, however, was spent up at the North End in the Gull Colony where some of the gulls we had ringed a couple of weeks before were now having darvic rings fitted also. Last year, 60 gulls were fitted with darvic rings on Bardsey, and eight of which have since been re-sighted, some multiple times, with the most interesting of which, perhaps, going to Plogoff, Bretagne, in France! Today, we got 13 fitted in just over an hour or so, and we will be back in the next gap in the weather to try and get some more on, as there are lots of gull chicks in the colony this year!

'B:052' - must be a Love Shack fan!

Highlights today included: two Peregrines, three Whimbrels and two Curlews.

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