Monday 13 July 2020

Last night's Storm Petrel ringing session was the best ever on Bardsey with 49 birds being caught - 40 were unringed, three were recaptures of birds ringed here and six were birds which had been ringed elsewhere. Between net rounds, Sam and Mark ringed some Manxies too, and by the end of the night, 72 had been ringed, not a bad effort considering it was far from intensive, with the main focus being on Stormies.

Wind picked up in the early morning and it has been a little gusty throughout the day aswell as being overcast, too. The second half of the day also saw some drizzle, which whilst making it quite miserable, is needed, all the same.

Everyone had a late start today, having needed a recharge from the Stormie session which only ended at 3am! Just after lunchtime, Mark and Connor then continued with Solar Panel prep. and George cracked on with writing up last night's Stormie data into the ringing books at the Obs and getting some data entered into the BTO's database.

The rest of the day was quiet, with more of the same, and a chilled evening in anticipation of m ore Manxie ringing later on.

Other sightings today included: one Peregrine, three Curlews, one Common Sandpiper, one Cuckoo,

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