Sunday 16 August 2020

More gentle easterlies today seemed to deliver with a good number of migrants, particularly Willow Warblers.

The morning census around the South End was quiet in terms of passerines with just one Willow Warbler at Ty Pellaf being recorded! Down on Solfach though, the action had picked up since yesterday with 33 Turnstones, five Ringed Plovers, three Dunlins and one Sanderling. Six Redshanks and four Curlews (12 recorded throughout the day) were also present around the Narrows. Not a bad start to the day, it's always nice to sit and watch waders feeding on Solfach. 

A little more solar panel work took place later in the day, levelling out the ground in between the frames, as well as sorting out the ramp for the Heligoland trap. At about 1500 George and Sam went to the withies to put a new net up and noticed that it was teeming with Willow Warblers. They opened one small net and almost immediately caught six Willow Warblers, then they opened another larger net and caught a Pied Flycatcher and three more Willow Warblers. Unfortunately, they couldn't stay as the rain started to come down, so they processed what they had and went back to the Obs to wait for the rain to stop, which it did. The day count for Willow Warblers ended on 407.

Eager to ring more they went back to the Withies and opened up five nets and over the course of three hours caught 109 birds including two Pied Flycatchers and Spotted Flycatcher, the rest all Willow Warblers, with 80% or so being 2nd calendar year birds. 

More migrants had clearly dropped in later in the day, Steve went down to the boat and had 35 Wheatears and 85 Willow Warblers on the South End, as well as two cracking Whinchats! However, more frustratingly he had what he was sure was a Citrine Wagtail fly over the Narrows and head towards Solfach. It only called twice and he never saw it. Let's hope it gets relocated tomorrow! 

Totals for today include: Two Black-headed Gulls, 22 House Martins, Grey Wagtail, eight Spotted Flycatchers, five Pied Flycatchers and 16 Choughs.

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