Sunday, 17 October 2021

It was wild, wet and windy! I spent most of the day at my desk entering data, leaving the brave guests to do the bit of census that they could. The day did improve as it went on, but it was generally unpleasant. This looks like the story of the week too!

Grim, grim, grim...

The brave bunch did an hour seawtaching from the north end, with a single Manx Shearwater being the highlight. There were 54 Gannets noted throughout the day, at times when the sea was actually visible!

Bird of the day was a Little Egret found by Alison on Nant pond. It toured the island and was seen in most places including Pwll G, Pwll Cain, Henllwyn etc! Just one Heron was seen today in Henllwyn.

There were 16 Mallards on the sea and five Common Scoter flew south. A Merlin was the only raptor seen and only one Moorhen was seen at the Observatory.

Waders included the usual 30-some Oystercatchers, a Sanderling was the first for some time, Six Purple Sandpipers were off the North End, A Whimbrel was with 36 Curlews in the North Fields and three Redshanks and 50 Turnstones made up the rest of the wader counts.

There were a few more gulls today, including 203 Kittiwakes. From the north end at total of 569 Razorbills were counted.

One Great Spotted Woodpecker was seen at the Observatory, feeding on the suet slab.

Great Spotted Woodpecker

Six Meadow Pipits were a sign of the truly poor weather of the day, but 28 Rock Pipits were counted along the coastline. The only Robin of the dat was a single at Ty Pellaf, Six Stonechats managed to brave the winds and rain, and 15 Blackbirds were seen, along with a single Song Thrush and two Redwings.

A male Blackcap made its way into the Obs trap and was duly ringed, and three Goldcrests sheltered deep in the plantation, with one also calling from the Obs.

Chaffinch numbers are still worryingly low, with just five recorded, however 49 Siskins were counted including a flock of 45 at Nant. There were 38 Goldfinches at the North End of the island, ten Linnets at Ty Pellaf and Lesser Redpoll at Ty bach.

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