Tuesday, 5 October 2021

 With strong winds from the Northwest it was perfect conditions for a good seawatch. Steve and Ed were at the Obs whilst Stuart braved the North End hide. Around 19 species were seen with the highlights being a Black-throated Diver, three Wigeons, 117 Common Scoters, two Pomarine Skuas, eight Arctic Skuas, five Great Skuas and ten species of gull including seven Mediterranean Gulls, three Little Gulls, three Sabine's Gulls, two Common Gulls and a Yellow-legged Gull

Getting wet in the North End hide

There was also a little bit of a pick up in passerine migration with a five Grey Wagtails and a late Whinchat. Only five Goldcrests were seen at Nant and a Swallow went over the Obs. The Snow Bunting remained at the South End for it's ninth day.

Birds today: one Black-throated Diver, 1210 Gannets, two Grey Herons, three Wigeons, one Teal, 117 Common Scoters, one Sparrowhawk, one Merlin, one Ringed Plover, one Whimbrel, 47 Curlews, five Redshanks, 39 Turnstones, two Pomarine Skuas, eight Arctic Skuas, five Great Skuas, seven Mediterranean Gulls, three Little Gulls, three Sabine's Gulls, 182 Black-headed Gulls, two Common Gulls, one Yellow-legged Gull, 1945 Kittiwakes, 11 Sandwich Terns, 12 Guillemots, 1324 Razorbills, six Collared Doves, one Great Spotted Woodpecker, one Swallow, five Grey Wagtails, five White Wagtails, one Whinchat, five Goldcrests, one Chaffinch, one Snow Bunting

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