Wednesday 29 May 2024

The weather finally calmed a bit to a westerly wind, still not exactly calm for this time of year. Two Sanderlings and three Turnstones were on Solfach. A Grey Wagtail went over the South End, Spotted Flycatchers were down to three, all at Nant, two Jackdaws went over the Mountain, a Siskin went over Nant and a Lesser Redpoll was at Cristin. 

Other birds logged included a Grey Heron, a Sparrowhawk, a Whimbrel, a Feral Pigeon, a Collared Dove, 43 Swallows, two Sedge Warblers, a Whitethroat, a Blackcap, three Chiffchaffs, two Willow Warblers and 12 Goldfinches

The afternoon was spent around the East Side ringing more Chough chicks as well and some more broods of Shags. The seabird colony is getting very busy now with the first Razorbill chicks hatching, Kittiwake eggs being laid and the first Puffin carrying fish! 

Freshly hatched Razorbill © Ed Betteridge

Kittiwake with egg © Ed Betteridge

Puffin carrying fish indicating pufflings! © Ed Betteridge
Rather strange looking Guillemot © Ed Betteridge

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