Tuesday 11 June 2024

A brisk northerly wind saw a build up of seabirds off the North End with a Minke Whale(!) joining 62 Gannets and 100's of Shearwaters, Auks and Gulls feeding on a large bait ball. The cetacean theme continued with six Bottlenose Dolphins and 25+ Common Dolphins seen in the evening. The juvenile Mistle Thrush was again seen this time at Cristin, two Starlings were at Ty Pellaf, seven Common Scoters passed the North End, a Kestrel hunted the Lowlands, two Whimbrels were on the Narrows, a Curlew was at the North End, four Sand Martins were nest building on the Narrows, a Spotted Flycatcher was in Plas Withy and a Hooded Crow flew south over the North End. 

Minke Whale © Kate Fox
Meadow Pipit © Ewan Turner
Shag © Ed Betteridge

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