Wednesday 12 June 2024

A rare calm day with light westerlies was definitely a nice change from recent weather. More failed breeding waders were on the move with four Curlews and four Redshanks joining presumably late moving pair of Sanderlings, three Turnstones and five Whimbrels. The sea was alive with birds with large feeding flocks of auks, gulls and Gannets, the stand out highlight was 'the 'Minke Whale' feeding of the East Side for much of the morning with two Arctic Skuas past the North End also notable.  

Elsewhere, the Mistle Thrush and a Spotted Flycatcher were at Ty Pellaf, a juvenile Starling was at Cristin, at least seven Lesser Redpolls toured the Island, a Kestrel hunted Pen Cristin, three Buzzards soared over the Mountain, a Spotted Flycatcher and a Sparrowhawk were at Nant, two Swifts went over the South End and two Hooded Crows were seen. 

The third 'Bridled' Guillemot of the year! © Ed Betteridge

This Guillemot was ringed as an adult in 1991 making it at least 33 years old © Ed Betteridge 
One of four adult Shags ringed today © Ed Betteridge

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