Monday 3 June 2024

The wind dropped today but was still coming from the unfavourable west. A/the Hooded Crow went over Pen Cristin with a Swift high north. A Kestrel hunted at Nant with a Whimbrel in Henllywn and a Collared Dove and two Lesser Redpolls were at Cristin. During the evening a build up of hirundines saw two Sand Martins, 12 House Martins and 25 Swallows feeding over the Narrows and Henllywn. 

Most of the day was spent on the Gwylan Islands surveying the seabirds there. This included counting 100's of Puffin burrows, recording Shag nest contents, searching for Great Black-backed Gull chicks in the grass and counting Guillemots on the ledges. 

Puffling © Ed Betteridge

Staff ringing their first Puffin's © Ed Betteridge
Adult Puffin © Kate Fox

Many Cormorants were just hatching but some early ones were already fledgling with six ringed 
© Kate Fox
Three pairs of Canada Geese were also found breeding © Ed Betteridge

Thirteen colour ringed Shags were also identified  © Ed Betteridge

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