Sunday 2 June 2024

North or westerly winds continue to dominate, reducing any late passage despite the wind being slightly less today. Clear skies did encourage 24 Choughs to come across from the Mainland many of which were colour ringed with two Jackdaws and a Hooded Crow over. Eight Sanderling briefly dropped into Solfach with the first Redshank of the 'autumn' also. A Dunlin was around the Narrows with two Whimbrels in Henllywn. 

A Cuckoo was around the Wetlands with a Stock Dove north along the West Coast, three Collared Doves and three Feral Pigeons. Three Swifts went north with two Sand Martins, 21 House Martins and 47 Swallows logged. Spotted Flycatchers numbered eight with warbler numbers remaining low. 
Stock Dove © Ed Betteridge

Moorhens hatching in Cristin Garden © Ed Betteridge

One of five Wheatears chicks ringed from a nest along the West Coast © Ed Betteridge

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