Saturday 1 June 2024

Strong northerlies continue to persist with migration being rather slow. A Skylark was a surprise on the South End with a Cuckoo in the Wetlands, a Siskin over Cristin, a Swift over Pen Cristin, two Collared Doves and a Feral Pigeon on the Mountain, a total of three Spotted Flycatchers and a Swift north. A late evening gathering saw 15 House Martins and six Swallows were sheltering behind Pen Cristin.  

During the afternoon a short trip to Pen Cristin saw two more broods of Shags ringed alongside another adult. Afterwards staff helped Gareth get the sheep off the mountain for a check up.   

Another brood of Shags colour ringed © Ed Betteridge

Adult Shag © Ed Betteridge

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