Friday 31 May 2024

A strong northerly wind did its best to keep temperatures low despite sunny skies for most of the day. A Hooded Crow flew over Cristin high south, possibly yesterdays bird, three Swifts went through, a Reed Warbler sang periodically in the garden at Cristin and Spotted Flycatcher totalled nine. 

Other birds were a Grey Heron, a Dunlin, two Whimbrels, 21 House Martins, 24 Swallows, a Sedge Warbler, four Whitethroats, a Blackcap, five Chiffchaffs, two Willow Warblers, a Siskin, a Goldfinch and two Lesser Redpolls.

One of four healthy Chough chicks ringed today © Kate Fox

One of a handful of 'Bridled' Guillemots on the Island © Ed Betteridge

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