Friday 30 August 2024

Calm clear skies saw a good arrival, this included two Great White Egrets high west mid-afternoon; only the 11th Island record! Out to sea three Arctic Skuas, 56 Common Scoters, seven Mediterranean Gulls, 12 Black-headed Gulls, a Common Gull, six Sandwich Terns and six 'Commic' Terns passed. Waders totalled 14 Ringed Plovers, five Golden Plovers, five Dunlins, a Purple Sandpiper and a Sanderling.

Overhead 572 Swallows, four Sand Martins and 76 House Martins were logged with 10 Grey Wagtails over. A Whinchat was on the South End with two Spotted Flycatchers at Ty Pellaf and two Sedge Warblers at Cristin with migrants totalling three Goldcrests, eight Willow Warblers, three Blackcaps, four Chiffchaffs, 17 Wheatears and 19 White Wagtails. A Red Kite, four Buzzards and two Sparrowhawks took advantage of the warm thermals; with the Gyr Falcon still around. 

Red Kite © Ed Betteridge
Sedge Warbler © Ed Betteridge 

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