Saturday 31 August 2024

Easterling winds brought good sea passage in the morning, with a seawatch between 07:00-10:30 recording 51 Arctic Terns, 77 Sandwich Terns, 48 Common Terns, five Sanderlings, four Dunlins, seven Redshanks, 24 Common Scoters, 54 Lesser Black-backed Gulls, seven Mediterranean Gulls, 161 Black-headed Gulls. Highlights included a Grey Phalarope, a Ruff, seven Golden Plovers, two Pomarine Skuas, and a record day count of 159 Ringed Plovers (52 previous day record)!

A Marsh Harrier was seen over the Sound, three Tree Pipits also flew over in morning, and a total of two Sand Martins, 70 Swallows, and 40 House Martins were recorded. Other migrants included eight White Wagtails on Solfach, a total of 14 Wheatears, a Sedge Warbler, two Blackcaps, two Chiffchaffs, six Willow Warblers, two Goldcrests, and two Spotted Flycatchers. Two Little Egrets,  two Grey Herons and the escaped Gyr Falcon were also present on the Island.

We were excited to welcome 11 students from across the UK for our annual University Week, where they will be getting a taste of Observatory life through a range of activities. On arrival they were given an introductory talk and received their welcome packs including wildlife guide books, reports and a custom-designed t-shirt. After an orientation walk they had dinner together in the glow of a stunning sunset. We are very grateful to our sponsors, the West Midlands Bird Club, British Birds, Wild Sounds Books, and the Welsh Ornithological Society, for helping to make this event happen! 

Students settling in with a sunset dinner! © Kate Fox

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