Saturday 14 September 2024

A brisk south-westerly but clear skies saw a Pomarine Skua, two Arctic Skuas and five Common Scoters pass on the sea. A Merlin hunted the North End with a Knot on the South End, two Whimbrels on the Narrows, a Sanderling on Solfach and 12 mobile Ringed Plovers. The Little Egret remained on Henllywn with a Feral Pigeon around the South End, a Grey Wagtail and 18 White Wagtails around the Narrows, a Rook over Nant, a Sedge Warbler on the track and a total of eight Goldcrests, a Blackcap and six Chiffchaffs

Peregrine hunting a Dunlin © Ed Betteridge
Peregrine © Ed Betteridge
Peregrine © Ed Betteridge
Three Dunlin and three Ringed Plovers were trapped after dark © Ed Betteridge

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