Sunday 15 September 2024

Strong south-westerly winds continued with heavy rain for much of the day before it cleared and calm late afternoon. Waders around the Narrows and the South End totalled a Sanderling, two Purple Sandpipers, a Whimbrel, four Ringed Plovers, two Dunlins and a Common Sandpiper. A Spotted Flycatcher was at Cristin and Nant with a total of six Chiffchaffs, eight Goldcrests and two Blackcaps. A Wheatear was on the South End with an evening roost catch in Ty Pellaf Reedbed producing two White Wagtails and a Reed Warbler; the 11th to be ringed this year beating the previous annual total of ten in 2021. 

Reed Warbler © Steve Stansfield

A Turnstone was trapped in the Solfach Heligoland Trap © Ed Betteridge

Alongside a Ringed Plover! © Ed Betteridge

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