Monday 16 September 2024

A stark contrast to the day before, it was sunny with light easterly winds bringing birds with it. It was a big day for hirundine movement, with 40 Sand Martins, 350 Swallows and 500 House Martins flocking over Nant. Of these, a Sand Martin, four Swallows and four House Martins were ringed. Other passerines on the move included a Tree Pipit over Nant, a two Goldfinches over Cristin, a total of 24 Grey Wagtails overhead, 17 White Wagtails (plus another 11 'alba' wagtails south over the South End), two Wheatears, eight Chiffchaffs, seven Goldcrests, five Spotted Flycatchers, and a notable increase to 113 Meadow Pipits

Six Common Scoters, four Arctic Skuas, two Black-headed Gulls, 120 Kittiwakes and 30 Razorbills were counted off the West Coast during a seawatch. At high tide Henllwyn hosted 13 Ringed Plovers with a Sanderling and a Common Sandpiper. Other waders included three Whimbrels, 17 Curlews, six Redshanks and 20 Turnstones

The Little Egret remained on the Narrows along with two Grey Herons, as well as two Sparrowhawks over the Wetlands, a Kestrel at Nant, a Feral Pigeon and Rook over Cristin, a total of 33 Carrion Crows and five Ravens

Sunrise over the mainland mountains, viewed from Pen Cristin © Kate Fox

Sunset on the Narrows © Kate Fox

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