Tuesday 17 September 2024

It was another sunny day, starting with light south-easterly winds before shifting to stronger northerlies. 

A Lapwing was on the Narrows, as well as 48 Oystercatchers, 14 Ringed Plovers, a Sanderling, a Dunlin, two Whimbrels, 47 Curlews, four Redshanks, a Common Sandpiper and eight Turnstones. Three Snipes were also recorded, as well two Bar-tailed Godwits on the South End. Two Sandwich Terns flew south along the West Coast, and 47 Black-headed Gulls passed the South End, plus a juvenile in Solfach.

Lapwing © Steven Stansfield

Also of note were a Skylark over the Narrows, a Tree Pipit over Nant, a Wheatear on the South End, 31 White Wagtails around the Narrows (plus another 20 'alba' wagtails south over the South End), and totals of 19 Dunnocks, 40 Robins, 17 Grey Wagtails, 58 Swallows, 151 House Martins, and 155 Meadow Pipits. Other migrants included a Garden Warbler at Nant, three Blackcaps, eight Chiffchaffs, a Willow Warbler, seven Goldcrests, six Spotted Flycatchers. Finches were also on the move with four Chaffinches, 30 Goldfinches, and a Siskin recorded. 

Spotted Flycatcher in the Sycamore © Kate Fox

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