Monday 9 September 2024

A rather windy north-westerly wind turned to a calmer south-westerly during the late afternoon The days highlight was a Lapland Bunting that joined the Meadow Pipits on the South End. A Pomarine Skua, a Red-throated Diver, two Common Scoters and six Sandwich Terns went south, a Whinchat was on the South End, two Rooks went over Cristin, six Sanderlings were on Solfach with Kestrels totalling five and White Wagtails totalling 54. The Little Egret remained in Henllwyn with five Spotted Flycatchers, six Goldcrests, 17 Chiffchaffs and six Willow Warblers logged. 

A juvenile Peregrine was attempting to take on a Raven above Nant! © Ed Betteridge

Lapland Bunting © Ed Betteridge

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